Wrong Turn

- 'Cause you're the mule.
- Oh, no.

You know, I can carry that. You just
had the whole car accident thing.

Yeah, we'll just stay here
and maybe get hit again.

- Are you guys sure you're cool?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we'll be just fine.
Thank you.

- Mess you up.
- Yeah, smoke it up there, uh, Skippy.

- Yeah, have fun.
- I don't fuckin'believe this.

Your mom's gonna kick your ass.
God, I cannot get out of my head
what just happened.

- Are you sure you're all right? Yeah?
- Yeah. I'm fine.

What are you guys
doing out here?

Uh, uh, oh, camping.
Uh, I don't know. Actually, we're lost.

You know, a lot of people say...
who have been through similar
traumatic experiences...

that the following moments kind of feel
like you're moving kind of in slow motion.

- Do you feel like that?
- No.

I should tell you that my voice
is fairly low and normal speed.

- Pretty good.
- Mm-hmm.

Where'd you get this?
Um, I got it out of my
dad's room, actually.

- You can finish it.
I can't believe
they called us stoners.

Are you sure
you know where we're going?

Yeah. There was a map
at the gas station.

Oh, I'm so tired already.
I'm starving,
and I'm being eaten by ants.

Are there any on my back?
No, nothing there.
Oh, hey-ho! I call it. Uh, squirrel.

- Well, you said you were hungry, Carly.
- I don't think it's a squirrel.

- It's a mink.
- Really? How do you know?

- Probably ran over it.
In medical school, they make you
work on animal cadavers
before you get to the real thing.

- It's a mink.
- Oh.

It's a mink?
