
- It's a simple question.
- Why are you being a dick?

Y eah, why are you being such a dick?
Because I can.
Can I have a light?
- Sorry. Can't help you out, pal.
- John, knock it off.

- Why don't you stop showing off?
- For her?

- I can't help it if your girl's getting excited.
- She isn't.

- We're trying to have a good time.
- You're the only one having a good time.

That's real cute, man.
What are you gonna do?
Suddenly you're not so tough.
Bobby, what did you do?
I didn't do this.
No. I did.
And the next time
you feel like showing off, don't.

- Breaking news.
- We're live from Washington,

where there's been an attack
in the Oval Office of the White House.

We have been informed that the president
and vice president were not harmed.

Sources say the attack involved
one or more mutants...

- I think it's time to leave, Professor.
- I think you're right.
