
I've had frequent visits from William Stryker.
You remember him, don't you?
His son, Jason, was once
a student of yours, wasn't he?

Y es. Y ears ago.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to help him.
At least, not in the way his father wanted.
And now you think taking in Wolverine will
make up for your failure with Stryker's son?

- How long you been here?
- A couple of years.

And your parents just sent you off
to mutant school?

Actually, my parents think
this is a prep school.

I see. Well, I suppose lots of prep schools
have their own dorms, campuses...

So you and Rogue.
It's not what you think.
I'd like it to be, but it's just...

It's just that it's not easy when you
wanna be closer to someone, but you can't.

I've seen how you look at Dr Grey.
Excuse me?
- You haven't told him of his past, have you?
- I've put him on the path.

Logan's mind is still fragile.
Is it?
Or are you afraid of losing
one of your precious X-Men, old friend?

Eric, what have you done?
I'm sorry, Charles.
I couldn't help it.
What have you told Stryker?
The war has begun.
