
Than k you.
- Can you hear what they're sayi ng?
- I cou ld take a closer look.

H is name is Colonel Wi I l iam Stryker, and
he i nvaded you r mansion for one pu rpose.

He wanted Cerebro.
Or enoug h of it to bu i ld one of h is own.
That doesn't make sense. Stryker
wou ld need the professor to operate it.

Wh ich I th i n k is the on ly reason
my old friend's sti I l al ive.

My God.
What are you al I so afraid of?
Wh i le Cerebro is worki ng, Charles's m i nd
is con nected to every person on the planet.

If he were forced to concentrate hard enoug h
on a particu lar g rou p - m utants, for exam ple -

he cou ld ki I l us al l.
Wait. How wou ld Stryker even know
where to fi nd Cerebro i n the fi rst place?

Because I told h i m.
I hel ped Charles bu i ld it, remem ber?
M r Stryker has powerfu I methods
of persuasion,

even agai nst a m utant as strong as Charles.
- So who is th is Stryker anyway?
- He's a m i I itary scientist.

He spent h is whole I ife
tryi ng to solve the m utant problem.

If you want a more i nti mate perspective,
why don't you ask Wolveri ne?

You don't remem ber, do you?
Wi I l iam Stryker - the on ly other man I know
who can man i pu late adamanti u m.

The metal on you r bones -
it carries h is sig natu re.

- But the professor...
- He trusted you to d iscover th is on you r own.
