
- Stryker's at Al kal i Lake.
- That's where the professor sent me.

- There's noth i ng left.
- Noth i ng left on the su rface.

The base is u nderg rou nd.
You OK?
- Y eah.
- You su re?

How we doi n'?
Not good. It looks I i ke fou r or five hou rs
before I can get it off the g rou nd.

That's not what I meant.
- I'm j ust worried about Scott.
- I'm worried about you.

That was some d isplay of power u p there.
- Obviously it wasn't enoug h.
- Come on.

I love h i m.
Do you?
G i rls fl i rt with the dangerous g uy, Logan.
They don't take h i m home.

They marry the good g uy.
I cou ld be the good g uy.
Logan, the good g uy sticks arou nd.
- Don't make me do th is.
- Do what?

Th is.
Excuse me.
They say you can i m itate anybody,
even thei r voice.

Even thei r voice.
Then why not stay i n d isg u ise al I the ti me?
Look I i ke everyone else?
