
They say you're the bad g uy.
Is that what they say?
It's a dorky-looki ng hel met.
What's it for?

Th is dorky-looki ng hel met is the on ly th i ng
that'l I protect me from the real bad g uys.

What's you r name?
Joh n.
What's you r real name, Joh n?
Qu ite a talent you have there, Pyro.
I can on ly man i pu late the fi re.
I can't create it.
You are a god among i nsects.
Never let anyone tel I you d ifferent.

Si r, the mach i ne has been com pleted
to al I specifications.

If I may ask, si r,
why are we keepi ng the ch i ld ren here?

I'm a scientist, Sergeant Lyman.
When I bu i ld a mach i ne,
I wan na make su re that it's worki ng.

Al I rig ht, th is is a topog raph ic map
of the dam. Th is is the spi I lway.

See these density changes i n the terrai n?
They're ti re tracks.

That's the entrance.
And th is shows the depth of the ice
coveri ng the g rou nd.

- Th is is recent water activity.
- If we go i n, Stryker cou ld flood the spi I lway.
