
Good bye, Charles.
There's been a change of plans.
Now fi nd them. Focus. Fi nd them al l.
The h u mans. Fi nd al I of them.

Every one.
How does it feel, bu m?
- Why d id you come back?
- You cut me open. You took my I ife.

You make it sou nd as if
I stole someth i ng from you.

As I recal l, it was you
who vol u nteered for the proced u re.

Who am l?
You are j ust a fai led experi ment.
If you real ly knew about you r past -
what ki nd of person you were,
the work we d id together...

People don't change, Wolveri ne.
You were an an i mal then.
You're an an i mal now.

I j ust gave you claws.
