A Good Woman

It has to be something
really special...

My wife's birthday.
This is a very special

What do you think?
The sapphire matches your eyes.
It's for my wife.
A man should never buy his
wife jewellery.

And why is that?
It makes her wonder what
he bought his mistress.

My wife has nothing to
wonder about.

She's a lucky woman.
If I was your wife...
- this is what I'd want.
- A fan?

Not for stirring the air,
for stirring the heart.

For centuries...
an erotic language between
men an women.

If a woman placed it on her breast
like this, it meant "I love you".

"When can I see you?"
"Wait for me."
"You may kiss me."
"We're being watched."
I'm sold.
How much?
No, it's not for sale.
Not for sale.
It would break my
mom's heart.

My mama.
Real gold.
If you give him everything, who's
going to buy me an espresso?
