A Good Woman

How much - to get you
on the first flight out?

I feel every time he's
kissed me it's filthy.

A lie, every minute we've
been together.

How could he?
Every man is born truthful
and every man dies a liar.

Now, whatever you do, you
mustn't make a scene.

It's too unpleasant.
And you waste your energy.

No, of course not. I wouldn't.
Crying is the refuge
of plain women.

Pretty women go shopping.
Be on that plane.
I'll send the cash.

Did I hear you correctly?
That Meg Windemere is
your daughter?

My daughter?
Robert's wife?
How dare you.
She must be twenty at least.
Her mother?

Do I look as old as all that?
Of course not.
I must have nodded off.
You were dozing.
Go back to sleep.

Come on.
