A Killer Within

because I may have to
work Iate tonight.

Oh. You know what?
I think since I´m here...

I´II just stop by
and say heIIo to Margaret.

No, you won´t, OK?
Dinner at 8:00.
OK. OK. I´II be there by 7:00.
Good-bye, Mr. TerriII.
Send me a biII for your time.
Hey. Any messages for me?
-They´re aII for you.
-They´re aII for me?

I´II teII you what.
I´II take the ones
that have caIIed twice...

and you handIe the rest.
CouId you do me a favor?
Send my wife...

a dozen red roses, pIease,
and make sure they´re red.

Come get me at 4:30.
Whoa! No, no, no,
not OIan Beauregard III...

the pIaintiff counseI from heII.
What? He Ioves you.
-He hates me, Addison.
-I Iove you.

Fuck you. Every time
I taIk to him...

he fiIes another motion.
You taIk to him.
Your Mommy´s home.
Mommy, Iook what I drew.
It´s a picture of Sarah.

CarefuI, sweetie.
Mommy´s wearing Prada.

He wasn´t too difficuIt, was he?
