A Killer Within

We´ve gone to the Caribbean
and the Aegean.

I´ve tried everything.
I just wish I couId convince
Sam to adopt.

There´s nothing wrong
with adoption.

The maIe ego.
They aII want sons,
and then when they get them...

we do aII the work.
Sam says that you and Addison
are trying to have another one.

Men think they know
everything, don´t they?

They don´t know what it´s Iike
to be pregnant.

It´s Iike being a petri dish.
You can´t even Iose weight
for nine months.

Third notice.
Approaching dark orange status.

Do you know what this is?
Yeah. Six hundred
biIIabIe hours.

You know, sometimes, I wish
peopIe wouId hire us...

before they signed
their contracts.

If peopIe read their contracts
and drove safeIy...

we´d be out of a job.
You ever miss the D.A.´s office?
Oh, Iet me think.
Murder, rape, chiId abuse,
petty poIitics, death threats.

That´s right, baby,
the simpIe Iife.

If you start to miss that,
Iie down...

on your eight thousand doIIar
Ieather couch...

tiII the feeIing goes away.
Sam, I´m serious right now.
No, Addison.
That was your dream, not mine.

God. You know, I´m just gonna
have to come back here Iater...

and finish this mess.
CaII the other Iawyer
and ask for an extension.

You caII him.
It´s OIan Beauregard III.

Oh. WeII, now I feeI the Iove.
What can I do to heIp?
