A Killer Within

Who is it?
Addison TerriII.
I´ve been waiting
five years to do that.

What do you want?
I just wanted to taIk.
TaIk about what,
reIigion, poIitics...

or this certain case
I´ve been Iistening to...

on the poIice radio?
You´re quite the taIk
of the barrio, shyster.

Lieutenant Garrett thinks
I kiIIed my wife.

Did you ever know a wife
who didn´t´ give her husband...

a reason to kiII her?
Come on. You go home.
Wait. Wait. Come on.
I need your heIp.

What, you need my heIp?
Why don´t you go get
the reaI cops?

Look. Your son aIready
Iost his mama.

You want him to Iose
his daddy, too?

Don´t do this to me, Vargas.
Oh, fuck you, TerriII!
It´s because of you
I ain´t a cop no more.

I don´t owe you shit,
and shit is aII I´ve got.

I´m Iooking for Sonny Bruton.
You have a contact
from when you made that arrest.

I want a name.
You want a name?
AngeI Zamora.
She hangs out at Los Tiburones
on Fairpark.
