A Killer Within

What are you doing
foIIowing me anyway?

You keep fIashing your
business cards...

around Iike that,
you´re gonna get yourseIf...

fucking kiIIed.
I´m not doing it
for you, shyster.

I´m doing it
to get Sonny Bruton.

I´m sorry
about your wife, man...

and you were right
about John Garrett.

He´s not busting his baIIs
Iooking for Sonny Bruton.

He´s got you figured for it.
What makes you so sure
about that?

I stiII have
my sources downtown.

I used to be a cop, remember,
tiII you had me kicked out.

You broke the Iaw, Vargas.
Oh, yeah. Whose Iaw,
some dead white guy Iaw?

No. Why Iet justice stand
in the way of the IegaI system?

-You want some?
-No, thanks.

-Oh. You stiII don´t drink?
-ObviousIy, you do.

Every chance I get,
but I quit smoking.

What are you doing
with cigarettes in the car then?

I keep them around
to test my wiIIpower.

So you think Bruton
kiIIed your wife?

I don´t know.
JudiciaI vendettas
are so rare...

but the guy threatened me
at the triaI...

and this aII happened
when he was on paroIe.

AII I know is that
if my son´s a witness...

he couId be in serious danger.
One thing´s for sure...
Sonny Bruton doesn´t
want to be found.

So it´s my day off tomorrow...
so I´II pick you up
around 11 :00.

AII right. See you at 11 :00.
