After the Sunset

would relieve the entire Caribbean.
What I'm suggesting
is a partnership, Mr. Burdett.

You are a stranger to this island.
I can give you what you don't have...
access to the marina, the crews,
rotation schedules, whatever you need.

I couldn't sleep.
Didn't wanna wake you.

I saw you on the ship yesterday.
I had a feeling you might be there, too.
Don't you ever feel
we weren't quite finished?

Look, Max, I miss it, too.
We were great.
And we went out
at the top of our game, undefeated.

The best time to quit.
Max, I cased it.
It's not a one man job, and there's
no way you're pulling me into it.

We're retired.
Now the challenge is
to find joy in simple things.

And I like that challenge.
