After the Sunset

- On one condition.
- Anything.

I want the receipt.
Here you go, Luc.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Jack on the rocks, with an umbrella.
What the hell, I'm celebrating.

Forget the Jack on the rocks,
let's have remoras all around.

Remoras all around.
Stanley, what the hell
are you doing here?

Well, I thought I'd stick around.
Oh, yeah, look familiar?
Treated myself,
maxed out the credit card.

But it suits me,
don't you think?

Well, it must take a bite
out of a government salary.

Ah, I can afford it all right.
Come on, let's sip
our remoras and talk, shall we?

I thought you said
these things have a kick.

Luc, what's in this?
Orange juice, mango juice,
grenadine, and coconut milk.

No liquor?
I love these remoras!
Bartender, give me another!
You tell anyone I tucked him in,
I'll kill you.

- Sure thing, Mr. Burdett.
- Call me Max.

- Max.
- Okay.
