Against the Ropes

- You still here?
- Yeah.

- Go home.
- l can't.

You didn't let me finish.
-Following him and shit.
-What's up with that?

A little uptown piece.
l know. lt must seem a little out there.
All right, way out there.

But that is where all the good stuff is,
Luther. Like talent, and you...

:24:31're talented.
So this chance you call yourself taking,
why you taking it on me?

Because l've been around
boxing my whole life.

l know it like the back of my hand.
l know potential, and l see it in you.

l do, Luther.
- l got potential?
- Yeah.

- Watch out, world.
- Don't laugh at me. All right?

l'm serious.
lf you took me serious,

we could be driving Jags
and sporting Versace.

You're a woman.
And you're white.
- Say it like l'm a disease.
- ln the fight game, you are.

- Say it like l'm a disease.
- ln the fight game, you are.

l'm not saying it would be easy.
All right? But l'm used to hard.

l am. OK?
How do you want to do this?
Do you want to work together?

You want to make a deal?
- Make a deal?
- Yeah.

You never managed
nobody in your whole life.

How you gonna front me,
you can't front yourself?

You're nine-to-fiving it.
You're driving a damn Honda.

l have some savings, l'll do a budget.
l'm good with budgets.

And l'm really good with people.
l can read them.

And l can read you, Luther,
and l know you want to do this.

Maybe l'm interested.
Maybe l'll call you.
Maybe l won't.

You're the one that's gonna
have to wait and see.
