Against the Ropes

He's been training
with Reynolds.

He's been kicking the shit out of
some guys in the gym.

That bitch does not find a fight
in this town, or nowhere near it.

Ever. Make it understood.
Anybody puts Kallen's boy on a card
puts his own ass out of business.

Shaw. Luther Shaw. S-H-A-W.
Just because you never heard
of him, he can't be phenomenal?

No, you can't call me back.
No, it's his manager.
Yeah, l'm a woman. No.

l haven't thought about strapping
one on, mister. Have you?

Well, l think you have a really
nice voice too.

l do.
But l can't cash those compliments
at a bank. l don't need a date.

What l really need
is a fight for my boxer.

Jackie Kallen for Crisco Cohen.
No, he does know who l am.
Did you hear me?
l've known him since we were kids.

How many times do l have
to say this? Are you listening?

Now put your hands together
and give a warm Buffalo welcome

- All right, baby.
- to our trio of precious gems,

Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire.
All that plastic.
lt's a wonder she doesn't
melt in that spotlight.

Crisco, it's me, Jackie Kallen.
What the hell
are you doing here?

l got a boxer.
You drove 200 miles to tell me that?
You couldn't pick up the phone?

l did. Four times.
Hey, l'm a businessman.
Yours ain't the only number
l gotta call.

How's Judy?
l have never cheated on her. l just
come to these joints for relaxation.

l remember that, Crisco.
How do you think l found you?

- lt took me a while, but l found you.
- Yeah, well...
