
You were a giant! And today how will you fight?
Dexippos. By Athena... how far was it you threw
your man wrestling at the last Olympic games?

Will you match it with your spear?
And Timander, son of Menander, a great soldier to my father,
...I still mourn your brother Hodeus,
Who died so bravely at Halicarnassus.
What an honored family you descend from Timander!
You fight for them today.
You have all honored your country and your ancestors,
And now we come to this most distant place in Asia,
Where across from us
Darius has at last gathered a vast army...
But ask yourselves, Who is this great king,
who pays assassins in gold coins to murder my father,
our king, in a most despicable, and cowardly manner,
and who is this great King Darius who
enslaves his own men to fight?

Who is this king, but a king of air?
These men do not fight for their homes.
They fight because this king tells them they must.
