
You remember what Aristotle told us of these mountains?
Yes I do. That when we reach these heights,
..we look back and see Macedonia to the
west, and the outer ocean to the east,

But I fear this world is far larger than anyone dreamed.
The world of Titans.
The scouts have been up every known trail Alexander,
There is no way across,
Except to the south, into India.
Were we gods, we'd breach these
walls to the eastern ocean.

We will Alexander, in a few years time we will return.
But first the men must see their homes.
Have you found your home? Tell me.
More and more I think it will be Alexandria.
Well at least it's hot,
Thais, she loved it there.
Women bring men home. I have no such feeling.
You have Babylon, Alexander,
..where your mother awaits your invitation.
Yes, I have Babylon,
but each land, each boundary I cross,
I strip away another illusion.
I sense death will be the last,
Yet still I push harder,
and harder to reach this, home.
Where has our eagle gone?
