
Take a barbarian, childless wife, and dare call her queen?
Go quickly, Cleitus.. before you ruin your life.
Doesn't your great pride fear the Gods any longer?
This army... this army is your blood, boy!
Without it you're nothing!
You no longer serve the purpose of this march!
Get him from my sight!
I don't serve your purpose? What was I serving
when I saved your puppy life at Gaugamela?

Do you think we'll be forced now, to mate with brown apes?
Arrest him for treason!
Who's with me? Who's with him?
I call Father Zeus to witness!
I call you to trial before him...

..and we'll see how deep this conspiracy cuts. Take him!
You speak about plots against you? What about
poor Parmenion? Make me do your foul deed.

Have you no shame?
Hypocrite! Despot! False King!
You, and your barbarian mother live in shame.
Let me pass,
I am the queen.
