Aneun yeoja

Just forget everything
and take the mound

Forget your mistake that day
It wasn't your fault

Of course it will be hard
but just forget that day
The most dramatic
moments in

baseball occur
in the 9th inning

And 9 times out of 10
it's due to the
winning team

Dramatic moments come
in two varieties
The first is when someone
excels like crazy,

the second is when
some crazy fool screws up

On that day we had a moment
of the second type

thanks to me
Nice pitch!
Let's wrap this up!
In that wild and
deafening stadium

I still can't understand how
I was able to hear her voice
You damned moron!
If we break up like this
you'll go meet someone new
How long will it last?
A week? A month?
And you'll meet
someone else again

But then you'll discover again
it wasn't love

That's the way you are!
Your love is too weak
Just die!

If you say you love me
then you can die with me

If we die that way, then the love
we wanted will come true

Don't let go of love
you fool!
