Aneun yeoja

How did you end up here?
I asked directions
That's not what I mean
I meant, why are you here?
Let's talk at home
You can't go home!
You can't
They'll catch you if you do

So you don't know
how to contact the thief?

What's the point?
We're being accused
of robbery!

We can't turn him in
he's got a loving wife and kids
Let's just go to the police
and explain everything

Why do you keep saying 'we? '
Go to the station and explain it
Why run away?

I don't have time
Going to the station
and explaining it all

and being dragged from
here to there

I don't have time for that
Are you so busy?
You don't seem
so busy to me

Could I stay at your home
a few days?

Nah, it'll just be
a nuisance

No, it's not that...
I'm fine...

I worry you
might be uncomfortable...

Whatever you want
