Around the World in 80 Days

"Rumor has it the man's
a foreigner, an Asian chap."

"I heard it was a Chinese
fellow, and he acted alone."

"Actually, they say
he was Norwegian."

"In fact, it was a gang
of elderly Norwegians."

I heard from a very reliable
source that it was a gang of...

red-headed elderly Norwegians
with very tiny feet.

"If you ask me, it's about
time someone robbed that bank."

"Like this very institution
the Bank of England is outdated."

"As usual, Fogg, your contempt
for tradition is appalling."

"You rest on your traditions
if you prefer."

"But, as with this bank robber
progress waits for no one."

"So now you're an expert
on the bank thief, as well."

"Give us the benefit of
your ineffable wisdom, Fogg."

"Twenty-six minutes ago
a ship left Dover for Paris."

"From there, the thief
takes the Orient Express

then transfers to a steamer... "
"from Istanbul to India.
In little over a month
that man could be in China."

If we're to believe
Fogg's calculations...

he will have circled the globe
and returned to England
in a fortnight.

"By my calculations
it would be closer
to exactly 80 days."

Outstanding idea.
"Well then, Fogg... "
