Around the World in 80 Days

Kitchner! Tell them!
"Uh, well, um
the thing of it is"

"Mumbling moron.
translate Kitchner's incoherent blather."
"I, he, I... Yes!"
"Uh, the thing of it is...
I don't want to make a fuss about..."
You spineless cretins!
That man stuck me with
quills! Bunches of them.

Yes! Lord Kelvin's a bully!
"It is true!
I hate to admit it
but I'm a battered Lord!"
Boo hoo! So what if I did
try to kill Phileas Fogg?

What are you gutless
peons going to do about it!

I hold all the power!
I run everything!
So which of you halfwits is
going to stop me?

You? You? You?
The Queen!
"Ohhhh, the Queen!"
That inbred antiquated old cow.
The only way she could stop me...
is if she sat on me...
"with her big, fat, Royal bottom!"
"She's behind me, isn't she?"
Your Majesty...
I have apprehended the culprits
who robbed the Bank of England.

"No, Majesty! It's not true!"
I love being able to do that.
"So, Lord Kelvin...
unsportsmanlike conduct..."
attempted murder...
trading my arsenal for Buddhas...
How did you know about that?
"Admit it!
You've been a naughty boy
haven't you?"
