Being Julia

bugger playwrights.
can't write for women.

they're all men, that's the trouble.
good morning.
you promised to call me.
give a girl a chance.
when am I going to see you again?
as soon as I have a moment to spare.
come to tea after the matinee.
oh, I'm not falling for that one again.
how about dinner after the show then?
if you insist.
I do.
on the silver screen
he melts her foolish
heart in every single scene

although she's quite
aware that here and there

are traces of the cad about the boy
lord knows she's not a fool girl
she really shouldn't care
lord knows she's not a school girl
in the flurry of her first affair
will it ever cloy this odd diversity
of misery and joy I told them
look, there's lord Crumley over there.
and I think that's lady Laweston.
what have you been reading, Debrett's?
Debrett's? no, the tatler.
oh, you have to know who's
who to get on in this town.

oh, you want to get on, do you?
I want to get on you, Julia.
don't be disgusting.
but I want you.
I do.
you're the loveliest girl that one
