Beyond the Sea

# With cement bags just hanging on down
# Oh, that cement is there
# Strictly for the weight, dear
# Five'll get you ten...
Bobby Darin, this is your life.
# Did you hear about Louie Miller?
# He done disappeared, dear
# After drawing out -
feels good -
#... all his hard-earned cash

# And now MacHeath spends just like a sailor
# Could it be our boy's done something rash?
# Come on, come on!
# Now, Jenny Diver ho-ho-ho
# Sukey Tawdry
# Ooh, Miss Lotte Lenya
# Good evening, Lucy Brown
# Oh, the line forms way on the right, babe
# Now that Mackie's back in old LA town
# Oh, Sukey, you gotta look out, Sukey Tawdrey
# Stay back, Lotte Lenya
# Move it over, Lucy Brown
# Oh, the line forms way on the right, babe
# Now that Mackie's...
# Back in town
# Look out, old Mackie is back
Let's go make movies!
# La mer
# Qu'on voit danser...
So with success, Hollywood came knocking.
I flew to Italy with Charlie and Nina
to make a movie with Rock Hudson
and Sandra Dee.
