
I'm sorry.
I-- It's been so long.

Too many memories, you know?
I'm sorry--

What? That's okay.
- I apologize.
- It's okay.

I've met, um...
I've met somebody who, uh,
who seems to be... Sean.

Wh-what do you mean?
What are you saying?
I understand that this
is gonna sound crazy,

and it's not like I haven't already
laughed about it, believe me, and...

You know that I loved Sean.
You know.

So much.
Of course.
If anyone understands that,
you understand it.

You know I sent you a card.
You got those?
It's taken me this long,
and I can't get him out
of my system. I can't.

I can't. It's not...
gotten any easier for me.

And, uh...
I met--I met Joseph,
and he--he loves me,
he sincerely does love me.

And he's... you know,
he's been dealing with me on this.

He's been, um...
... he's been acceptant of it
and he's not...

He's now grown insecure.
Because of him.
I mean, he's ten years old.
What are you saying?
He's a little boy.
He's a little boy,
I know, and...

he said, um--and he told me
his name was Sean, you know--

I really hoped that he was Sean,
I really--I wanted him to be Sean,

but I knew he wasn't Sean.
I knew it.

This is insane.
I mean...

It's insane, you know.
But I couldn't help it. I couldn't.
