
and I promise you'll leave tomorrow.
Here you are.
Lard and potatoes au gratin, with cream.

It's my specialty.
It was...
when the inn was still open.

A lot of peole used to come here...
...especially artists.
Now that Gloria's gone...
it's not the same anymore.

Gloria. My wife.
You're married ?
I called her my wife,
but she left me.

She was a singer, just like you.
Very talented.
You should have heard her.
I'm sorry to bring back bad memories.
How could you know...
So what's the problem?
With the villagers I mean.

You should have heard her.
It's was marvelous.

She was everything for me.
I lost everything when she left me.
That's why I'm so happy
to meet another artist.

I'm gonna show you something.
You see. It's written on it.
First prize.

I won it thanks to my sense of humor.
When she left,
Bartel's sense of humor left too.
