
Son, not now.
Get out! Go on!
You fucking moron!
We're splitting the loot...

and you come at me with
your hand covered?

it's his own fault he died.
What the fuck's going on?
So you shot him in the heat of
the moment, but we'd agreed...

for me to shoot you,
so we could take your share.

So shoot!
Go on, fire away!
I can't, damn it.
Give me your rod.
Oh my God!
Being betrayed by your buddy for
nothing, Doctor...

like Judas, the guy who
spat in the face of Jesus!

So how does the story end?
It ends with me in here,
before your very eyes, Doctor.

Fatso was arrested
in under two months.

Doctor, ever seen a fat man
being beaten?

They even spill stuff they
weren't asked.
