
I already told you.
We do not release vehicles

until all impound fees
are paid.

Hey, you know what?
That's really awesome.

But guess what? I did not ask for it
to get impounded, okay?

I got carjacked.
Do you know what that is?

A carjacking? Where a jackoff comes up
to you, sticks a gun to your head

and says... hey, buddy, get out of... I
was car... I had it stolen from me.

Sir, you want
your car back or not?

Do I want my...
I don't know... let me think
about it for a second...

yes, but I'm not
paying for it.

Howie, take her
on back.

Howie? Howie... no.

Howie, cut it out.
You're not...

just... okay, fine.
That's fine, it's fine.
It's all bad.

I'm just gonna... this is what I'm gonna
do... I'm gonna pay you, okay?

Never mind, Howie.
Who do I make it out to?
Lady who sucks? Is that it?

I tell you right now,
here you go.

One scratch on the car
and guess who gets an ass whip...?

Hey, that's my car!
That's my car! Oh, no, this isn't
happening, this isn't happening.

That ain't Howie.
Thank you. Yes.
Well, you missed
all the major pipes.

And you're gonna need
about five stitches.

But some of this tissue
looks gangrenous.

That's avocado mud mask.
It's for combination skin.
Moon? You all right?
Can you give us
a minute, fellas?

Jack, I didn't know
she was a cop. L...

Hey, Moon, take a breath, okay?
It's gonna be okay.

You just gotta tell me exactly
what happened here.

I don't know. I'm still trying
to figure it out.

I went inside. I clearly identified
myself as a cop
