Chasing Liberty

l'm on fire! l'm untouchable!
l'm Anna. Who are you?

Ben Calder. Freelance getaway man.
Yeah, need the hand. Need the hand.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you so much, Mr. Ben.

You're welcome. l think. Depending on
what crime l've just aided and abetted.

No. No, no crime. l don't think.
Thank you again, very much. Thanks.
Anna? Do you have a last name?
No, actually, it's just-- lt's Anna. Like Pink.
Thank you again.
Actually, l need another ride, if that's okay.
Very fast. Like, right now.

Whatever you say, Mrs. Bond.
They're chasing us! They're chasing us!
Go, go, go, go, go.
Ben, l think we just lost them.
Oh, we lost them, did we?
-So why the wild ride, Anna?
-Concert security.

l snuck in, they caught me.
Chaos erupted.

Yeah, because they always give
giant chase vehicles to bouncers.

Maybe there was a little bit more
involved than just that.

-Almost always is, isn't there?
