Chris Rock: Never Scared

You ain't gonna find a bunch of virgins
at the abortion rally.

You might even see some clear heels!
"What you doing here, girl?"
"Fucked up again."

The abortion issue, it's a woman's issue.
A woman gets pregnant,
she don't wanna hear shit from the man.

"Fuck you, I don't need you, motherfuck you."
Unless she decides to have the baby.
Then she's like, "Where's my cheque?"

When a woman gets pregnant,
it's a choice between the woman
and her girlfriends.

A woman gets pregnant,
her and her girlfriends get together,

and they have a little abortion tribunal,
and they vote on the baby like it's Survivor.
Each girlfriend puts in her two cents.
One goes, "Child, you should have that baby.

"That man got some good hair,
it's wavy, it's wavy."

The other girlfriend goes,
"Why are we talking about this?

"Ain't we going to Cancun next week?
Get rid of that baby!"

And that's how life is decided in America.
Now, fellas, if you get a woman pregnant,
you're only allowed to say two things.

And guess what, fellas?
You can't even suggest abortion.

If you say, "A", you fucked up.
You can't even suggest abortion.
Guess what, guys?
You don't wanna suggest abortion.

If you suggest abortion
and then she has the baby,

when that kid's about five, six years old,
he gonna be cursing yo ass out.
You go, "What's up, little man?
How you doing?"

"I'm alive, that's how the fuck I'm doing!
"You wanted me dead, huh, bitch?
"I'm alive, motherfucker.
"I should bust a cap in yo ass."
