Chris Rock: Never Scared

for something positive?
Shit, when you press that machine
at four o'clock in the morning,

I think a psychiatrist should pop up
on the screen and go, "Come on, man.

"Save your money, man.
"Don't buy drugs, buy some rims."
"They spinnin', look at they spinnin'!
They spinnin'!

"They spinnin', look at they spinnin'!"
Americans worship money.
Shit, you know why banks are closed
on Sunday?

Cos if they wasn't church'd be empty.
Now, I love America, man, I must say.
I love America.

I got to say, America is the greatest country
in the world, OK?

It's the greatest country in the world.
In the whole world. It's the best place.
There's no place I'd rather be or be from.
And we are all lucky to be here.
Everybody in this room, lucky to be here.

Even black people, lucky to be here.
But if you black, you gotta look at America
a little different.

If you black, America's like the uncle
that paid your way through college

but molested you.
You gotta forgive, right? You gotta forgive.
What's the biggest issue in America right now?
The most divisive issue in America

is affirmative action.
A lot of people think it's to do with the '60s,
the back of the bus,
separate lunch counters. No.

When you see footage of the '60s, see black
people, see us getting sprayed down,

dogs getting sicked on us,
little girls getting burnt up in churches,
