Christmas with the Kranks

-We talked about this.

Sorry we had to go up on the price.
We're making less per tree than last year.
It's not about the money.
We're not doing Christmas this year.

We're gonna go away on a cruise.
We don't need a tree.
All right. Well, out of the frying pan...
and into the fire.
-Come here.

-Come here.

-What are they doing?

-Spilling their guts to Frohmeyer.
-Not Frohmeyer.

Are you intimidated by Vic Frohmeyer?
Honey, he's like the unelected ward boss
of the street.

So Frohmeyer has a problem
with our skipping Christmas?

Who's he gonna call?
The Three Wise Men? Santa Claus?
Don't underestimate him, honey.
Vic Frohmeyer lives and breathes
for this neighborhood.

-You should've just bought the tree.

-You didn't have to put it up.

-You could've left it in the backyard.

Why are you whispering? This is our house.
I'm whispering for the same reason
you're hiding behind that curtain.

Hey, Walt.
Luther Krank just stiffed the Scouts
on a Christmas tree.

Can you believe that, Mr. Frohmeyer?
