
- I can see his face.
- Whose face?

Gary Caputo's.
Wrong time, wrong place.
He was just standing on the
stairs with a bag of groceries.

I should've just ran by, passed him
and just gotten the hell outta there.

It 's OK.
He was in a coma
for seven months.

He had to learn to do
everything all over again.

When I was in prison,
I used to joke about him.

I used to brag about how
I made the guy into a vegetable.

What 's important is you know
that what you did is wrong.

The treatment is working.
- It 's working.
- Why can't I sleep?

I wanna put my head on my pillow...
close my eyes and don's
see his face anymore.

It 's gonna be OK.
We'll give him Somnubel.
5 milligrams.

Brock, that 's two tablets
whenever he can't sleep.

Ladies and gentlemen...
we've got remorse.
How can we be sure
he's not faking again?

All of his biomarkers back it up.
Ever since week 5 his serotonin
and MAO levels have improved...

limbic and amygdale activity...
as well as BFS measures
have responded in kind.

I think we're ready for Phase 2.
Are you sure? The board
and I both believe that is...
