Cube Zero

She's gonna die in there
and she's probable innocent!

None of them are innocent!
You read the files.
You know what kind of people end up in there!

Exactly! all we know is
what we read in the files...

Oh my god...
What if its all bogus?
The files, the crimes, everything.

Maybe they're just putting anyone
in there they dont like, maybe...

There's a purpose, and there's a plan.
And I'm not so stupid to think that there's
no plan just because I dont understand it!

Here's a newsflash:
We're just the button men!

If we're meant to be analists,
we'd be working upstairs!

Would you forget the party line
for once and make the call?

You do it.
You're the hero.

Just remember,
She was in the news and
they made her disappear.

How much easy would it be to get to you.
No one even know you exist.
Who knows where you'll
wake up tomorrow?

Its for you.
Yes sir, Right away sir.
Yes sir.
I understand sir, yes sir.
We got work to do,
Someone's at the exit.

Our exit?
What do we do?
