Dag och natt

Let's take care of business.
You're not taking Emil.
I need to talk to you, Anna.
I called them... the lawyers.
I told them you can have sole
custody of Emil. Are you satisfied?

I've signed the papers already.
We just have to go in

and put both our signatures
on everything.

We're going to do it right now.
Let's go
sign those papers, all right?

Why can't anyone reach you...
...deep down?
- Yes, they can.
- No, they can't. Not ever...

You've got so much tenderness inside.
But there's always
a door that remains shut. Why?

Why is some part of you
always concealed?

Remember when your mother...
The hospital called,
said she'd been admitted?

I didn't know your mother was alive,
you hadn't told me that.
