
So then should we keep getting
beaten up by them... shot at?

They target our whole community
due to the misdeeds of a few fools...

our homes are torched...
hundreds are burnt alive, thousands
are ruined, rendered homeless...

and still we don't act, father?
We remain passive?
This rage of yours, Farhaan...
this deep hatred
growing inside you...

I see myself in it
This fury had risen in me too
Such bitterness had spread
in my veins too once

We were in Ahmedabad then
In 1969, there was a massive
Hindu-Muslim riot in Ahmedabad

Both sides lost countless lives.
We were brutally crushed

A vast anger filled my being
I too picked up a knife
and set out with the others

I don't remember
how many lives we took

All I remember are those eyes...
The terrified eyes of a Hindu...
that look before the knife
sliced his body

I'll never forget
These hands have
taken a life, Farhaan!

The riots kept spreading
Many people from our area
took refuge in a cellar...

with their families
All night we heard sounds
of slaughter outside... then suddenly

All of us thought
we would be butchered
