
[Narrator] She could have kept
her vulnerability to herself,

but she had elected to give herself up
to him at random.

As.. yes.. a gift.
"Generous, very generous",
thought Tom.

You want to eat?
You must be hungry?

I can't.
I don't deserve that bread!
I stole that bone.
I haven't stolen anything before.

So now, now I have to punish myself.
I was raised to be arrogant,
so I had to teach myself these things.

Well, it may be best for your education...
Grace, in this town in these times...
it is very impolite not to eat
what's set before you.

I'm so sorry.
Who were the men in the car?
Why would they want to hurt you?

The man in the back of the car,
he's the boss. I saw his face.

He gave me his telephone number,
told me to call if I saw you.

I'm sure he'd offered you a big reward
if you told him where I was.

Where's your family?
I don't have a family.
All I had was a father...
but those gangsters took him away from me.
