
If this is the town that you love,
then you really have a strange way of showing it.

All I see, is a beautiful little town
in the midst of magnificent mountains.

A place where people have hopes
and dreams even under the hardest conditions.

And seven figurines that are not awful at all.
[Narrator] Calling Dogville beautiful was
original at least.

Grace was just casting one more look
at the figurines she herself would have dismissed
as tasteless a few days earlier,

when she suddenly sensed
what would best have been described
as a tiny change of light over Dogville.

They are keeping an eye on you.
If you love them already,
they might need a little persuading.

You've got two weeks
to get them to accept you.

You make it sound like
we are playing a game.

It is. We are. Isn't saving your life
worth a little game?

What do you want me to do?
Do you mind physical labour?
Dogville has offered you two weeks.
now you offer them...
