
And there she dangled from her frail stalk
like the apple in the Garden of Eden.

An apple so swollen that the juices almost ran.
And once again the police
had come to Dogville.

I said I'd tell you, to save Martha
the confusion about the ringing. But I forgot.

They're already down by Canyon Road.
The fellow in the other car is from
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

- You forgot!
- Yah.

It is the busy time for the apples,
you know.

The FBI?
They were most interested in hearing
what I'd seen in the past six months,

anything related to that wanted poster.
They asked me if I'd seen any signs
in the woods of anyone camping out there.

God only knows
what that woman's capable of.

You know, she is not capable of anything.
Well, that's what you say.
But it sure didn't sound that way coming from the laws.

That's why I felt I had to tell 'em
what I knew.

What did you tell them?
Well, I thought I'd seen something
in the woods recently.

An item of clothing to be exact.
It turned out that it was just
an old hat Tom had lost.

- But it could've been this.
- Chuck.. give me..

Expensive, by the feel of it,
and your initials on it.

I imagine they'd draw the same conclusion
from this as anybody would.

I told the law it'd take me no time at all
to find this piece of clothing.

I reckon we got us ten minutes, maybe fifteen,
'fore they start knocking on doors.

I wouldn't try to run away.
They are sure to see you.

Why would I wanna run away, Chuck?
I wouldn't try to holler, either.
Why would I wanna do that?
It wasn't me who wanted you here.
You were far to beautiful and frail
for this place.

You tricked me into feeling that
I meant something to you.

It's your own damn fault.
I need your respect, Grace.
