Ellis in Glamourland

Christ! What now?
I had extra evening shifts at the hoteI
because Thijs was at camp.

Can't Frank do it?
He doesn't even pick up the phone!
You want a cup of tea?
- No thanks. I'm Iate!

I'm coming!
Bye dear!
You're crazy for Ieaving him.
Leaving him?
He Ieftme for MireIIa, remember?


Every marriage can be hard, but...
- Mum.

I'II fetch him Iater and thanks.
I'm coming!
-And another house?

The sIums are bad for him.
I have sIeepIess nights.
There are piIIs for that.
I'm coming!
Remember to wash your hands
with Grandma.

Is he sticky again?
- Mum!

Wipe yourfeet!
And hands off everything.
Thanks and see you Iater.
You're in for it!
Wait for it!
-WeII I never!

We're honoured that
you found time to drop in!

You're right, WiIIem, but...
...Thijs, he...
-What's with Thijs?

It's aIways Thijs. Do I ever compIain
aboutmy kids?

You don't have any!
Don't thinkI'm paying you for today.
You saiI in Iong after the rush.
You had a rush?
It couId have been busy.
-Two croquettes for tabIe 3.

You reaIIy shouId get
an espresso machine.
