
" I see "
" You're waiting for me "
This is definitely
where I parked my car.

Hello there.
Welcome to Club Vandersexxx...
Amsterdam's most erotic club,
where your every fantasy
will be fulfilled.

Also says I get
a free T-shirt with flyer.

He's American.
How sad for you to grow up
in a country founded by prudes.

A country overrun
with crime and illiteracy.

A country where a man
is forced to make sex

to only one woman at a time,
and one must learn
the woman's name beforehand.

- It was horrible.
- I know.

But you can come with me...
and let the Vandersexxx begin.
" Marijuana in my soul "
" Your iguana in my hall "
I can't believe
we're doing this.

Don't worry.
Hash brownies are totally legal here.

You're gonna enjoy these, man.
These are magical.

" I like to smoke marijuana "
- You wanna do this?
- Yeah.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I need a new battery for my camera,
and while you're at it,
it could use a cleaning.

Is that a Leica M6?
Actually, it's an M7.
It's got the built-in light meter.
It's so beautiful.
So sleek, so powerful.
How's the new lens system?
