Fade to Black

And I looked at the date,
and it was the 15,

and we ain't make
one record together.

He's gonna play dirty.
He's not gonna do shit
until he done with everybody.

If it's done and it's hot,
he just ain't gonna make it.
He knows that.
You know that, right?
I'm on my last album.
We inside here.
This ain't the media.
I'm not even playing.
I can't wait for y'all
to hear my new shit.

I just want to hear
what y'all think.

Beats don't just come out done.
There's an idea.
And there's
the ex ecution of that idea.

Hopefully, you don't just lose
everything in the ex ecution.

And you've got collaboration.
You know what I need.
I need that bounce.

But by far, for me, the most
important thing is inspiration.

As an artist,
if you ain't inspired to work,

then you start thinking.
Once you start thinking,
you start forcing music.

It's never good.
I'm backed in the corner.
Nigga said,
"Don't bring no beats. "

I got some shit on the bus, too.
I think just as important
as knowing when something is hot

and knowing that this is the one
is knowing when it's not.

That one right there
is very limited.

All right.
I hate when he does that.
