Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

their great temple
was destroyed,

the conciliators
were murdered,

and all outposts
of our species, slaughtered.

Arnessk was the center
of our spiritual power.

The sight of the long-lost
great temple,

upon which this very edifice
is modeled.

However, today, Arnessk
is a barren and lifeless world.

Perhaps not.
We've been there.

These images are part of a data
upload transmitted by Jool

before we left her on Arnessk.
I have more in the archives
if you require.

Undoubtedly you will recall...
Except not you
because you weren't there.

It was right after Crichton realized
that he loved you more than anything.

- And you were as frizbot as a...
- Shh.

Hmm? Oh! Arnessk.
These ancient Eidelons were not
long dead as everyone assumed.

Just suspended in time
for 12,000 cycles.

When we reversed the device
that was holding them,

back they came into existence.
Right after I went swimming
with the creature from the black lagoon.

That sounds exciting.
There is no doubt that today's Eidelons are a
direct descendent

of the ancient peacemaking
Eidelons of Arnessk.

They have a unique ability
tied to their physiology.

Which is latent
in our host Eidelons.

Why can't their ancestors
reignite that ability?

Thus recreating the greatest
peacemaking race in history!

Am I going insane or is the crazy lady
starting to make sense?

- Yes. But I thought we were finished.
- So did I.

What happened to
"run first, no questions later"?

Scorpius. We wake up and he finds us
before we have our first cup of coffee.

- This is not our fight.
- I agree.

But as long as there's a war on,
everyone's after me

'cause I'm the
winner-take-all weapon guy.

- Every time we get involved...
I know. People die.

We out of options?
This Eidelon
education program.

- What are the odds it'll work?
- Not good.

Not good is the best odds
we ever get.
