Fetten Jahre sind vorbei, Die

It's the control center
for Europe's 13 main satellites.

If the transmitter is sabotaged,
every TV screen in Europe
will go black.

There's a fairly simple way.
I came up with it myself.
It's easier than you think.
Can I have a toke?
I thought people like you
hated dope heads.

People like me?
Yeah, people like you.
You think I was born this way?
You probably weren't loved enough
as a child.

I don't agree with you what you’re doing,
but your arguments...

They remind me of another time.
Give us a history lesson!
Well, we did make history.
68 was a wild time.
I looked different then.
Long curly hair...
old leather jacket,
bell bottom pants...

Always a cap...
A true rebel.
