Fighting Fish

Till they come up against a brick wall.
Times are hard. Business is slack.

We look after our people.
Like you and your brother.
- I'm no longer with your lot.

After our truce with A-Ching's gang
the betting business went well.

Each his own beat, and there
was enough for everybody.

But young guys like you are
always so provocative.

That leads to conflict. But your brother
wasn't like that. He was always fair.

He respected other people,
and he was very popular.

So who's behind his death?
We think it's A-Ching's gang.
- Where can I find them?

Keep out of this.
Still, he's not one of us any more.
If he takes revenge on A-Ching
they won't blame us.

Go ahead, A-Ken. I'll gladly
give you their address.

Don't act so rashly.
- Just give it to me.

You know you're not with us any more
so we don't owe you anything.

We don't have to tell you anything.
But if you want to stay the night
with us here, you're welcome.

Wait, A-Ken.
Your brother had the same tattoos as us
and we swore everlasting loyalty.

That's right.
- So let me help you.
