Finding Neverland

If it wasn't for her mother's help...
- We should have them to dinner.
- Should we?

Absolutely. I've always wanted
to meet Madam du Maurier.

Why, she knows practically
everyone there is worth knowing.

- What are you writing about?
- Oh.

Nothing of any great consequence.
I can't write.
Have you ever kept a journal?
Ever tried your hand at writing a play?
Well, then how do you know?
I know. That's all.
I see. Where's your mother today
and the rest of the boys?

Home. Mother's got a bit of a chest cold.
I'm sure everyone would be happy
to see you though. One afternoon.

I should leave you to your writing.
I'll see you later then.
Why didn't you tell me, Charles?
You knew it wasn't any good.

Why didn't you tell me. James?
You knew it wasn't any good. Hm?

I took an extended lease on the theater,
keeping the actors on.

- I don't have another play.
- I'm sure you will.
