Finding Neverland

Well, you remember Gilbert Cannan,
don't you?

Good evening.
Mr Cannan has been working on the
committee to fight government censorship.

I know how involved you've been as well.
He wanted to speak to you.
I did think you'd be home so much sooner.

It's been a long evening, Mary.
Well, if I'd realized how late it was,
of course.

I should perhaps talk to you
at another time? Not so late?

That will be fine.
We'll talk then.
Thank you for your patience, Mrs Barrie.
Mr Barrie.
- Good night.
- Night.

Well, aren't you going to speak?
What would you like me to say?
"Curious how late Mr Cannan stayed,"
I suppose.

And then, let's see. What comes next?
"No later than you were out, James."
"And how is Mrs Davies this evening?"
Oh, yes, I would have a great answer
for that one, wouldn't I?

How dare you.
This isn't one of your plays.
I know that, Mary. It's quite serious.
