First Daughter

I wanted to thank you
for rescuing me in there.

It was nothing.
Besides, you don't strike me as the kind
of person who needs rescuing.

I'm Samantha.
I know I'm taller in person.

Fatter, thinner, fill in the blank.
I get that.

Actually, I was gonna say
you look exactly like I thoughtyou would.

Bye, Samantha.
- We're moving.
- Not bad, Ms. Mackenzie.

You really shouldn't
objectify men like that, Mia.

- The boy is fine.
- Hi, Samantha.

Nice meeting you too. Hello.
##[Woman SingingSlow Latin Pop ]
## [ Continues ]
Just to be clear, I've never been
a plus-one before.

And it doesn't agree with me.
Thanks for coming, Mia.
I cannot believe how many cute guys
there are here.

Last time I was at a party like this,
I could only fill out a ruffled bikini.

Focus, Sam.
We are at a frat party.

You're right.
This is fantastic.

[ Sighs ] I think
I'm blending in too.

Absolutely. Look, is there anyway
thatyour fake Men in Black boys...

can back off?
## [ Continues ]
All right, I'm about to show you
how to make a real entrance.

